Education License in Malaysia

7 min read|Last Updated: November 14, 2024|

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After setting up your business in Malaysia, you might require a business license or permit. The types of licenses would differ depending on the type of industry. This includes if you intend to run this type of business in Malaysia. An Education License in Malaysia is important if you intend to operate learning centres in the country.

What Business Licenses Do Education Centres in Malaysia Need?

Section 79 of the Education Act 1996 in Malaysia states that all education institutions must register with the Registrar General of the Ministry of Education. Section 2 of the act defines such an institution as “a school or any other place where, in carrying on the work of an organisation or institution, persons are habitually taught, whether in one or more classes and includes a kindergarten (childcare centres) and a distance education centre.”

This includes:

1. Private Higher Educational Institutions (PHEIs)

  • Private universities and branch campuses of foreign universities with university status;
  • Private colleges/institutions with non-university status; and
  • Technical and vocational training institutions

2. Private Educational Institutions (PEI)

In Malaysia, there are 17 categories of registered private educational institutions (PEI). These consist of private schools and centres, including tuition, enrichment, and language centres. According to MOE, there are instances where certain tuition centres in Malaysia only have a Tuition Centre License, but they operate similarly to a school.

In the same article by The Star, the Ministry of Education Malaysia stated that they were “seriously looking at these centres existence and the issues involving these centres as it is against the provisions of compulsory education set out in the Education Act”.

Categories of Private Educational Institutions include:

  • Private Primary School
  • Private Secondary School
  • Islamic Primary School
  • Islamic Secondary School
  • International School
  • Expatriate School
  • Special Education School
  • Private Kindergarten
  • Tuition Centre
  • Language Centre
  • Computer Centre
  • Training/Commerce Centre
  • Vocational/Technical Centre
  • Mind Enrichment Centre
  • Guidance Centre (Sabah & Sarawak only)
  • Branch (Name the main PEI)
  • Other PEI

Information Needed to Obtain an Education License in Malaysia

Private Educational Institutions (PEI)

1: Provide Applicant’s Particulars

  • Name, ID, Passport, Address, Tel, E-mail

2: Provide Business Information

  • Type of entity, Reg. No., Capital, Source of Finance, Stakeholder details etc

3: Provide Particulars of the Institution

  • Suggested name of institution
  • Address with a map (Kindergartens and schools require a letter of no objection from local councils)
  • Learning times and full or part-time
  • Medium of instruction (language)

4: Provide details of Management

  • Particulars of board of governors e.g. Chairman and Members. (Minimum 3 person for kindergarten/tuition centre; 5 person for other PEIs)
  • Details of Principal/Headmaster (CV, supporting documents etc.)
  • Teachers’ Particulars
  • Non-Academic Staff Particulars
  • Curriculum/Course/Programme/Training and Fee Structure

5: Provide details of Premises and Amenities

  • Information of Premise (Location, Types, Ownership, Rental, Floor Area)
  • Facilities of Premise (Classroom, Library, Co-curricular, Administration, Security & Health, Other Facilities etc.)

6. Rational for The Establishment Of PEI

Private Higher Educational Institutions (PHEIs) (Universities)

*The following from the Malaysian Investment Development Authority’s guide on Education and Industrial Training Services

1. Approval in Principle to Establish PHEIs

To set up a PHEI in Malaysia, applicants must submit a proposal to the Registration and Standard Division under the Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) detailing the PHEI’s concept plan which a presentation may follow. The Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) approves in principle to establish a PHEI upon satisfaction with the concept plan.

2. Approval to Establish PHEIs and Approval to Conduct Courses of Study

Upon approval of establishment, the company is required to submit a formal application to MOHE to establish the PHEI, and to conduct any course of study or training Education and Industrial Training Services 3 programme either singly or jointly with any university, University College, or other higher educational institutions (public/private/professional body in or outside Malaysia).

MOHE will then forward the application to conduct the course of study to the Malaysian Qualification Agency (MQA) for processing. The application must include details of the course curriculum, teachers, facilities, and the course management system. A Panel of Assessors (PoA) from MQA will process the application to conduct the courses of study and give its recommendations to MQA for a decision.

The Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) will issue letters of approval to the institution for both establishing the PHEI and conducting its courses of study.

3. Registration of PHEIs

Upon approval, the company must register with MOHE as a PHEI under the Private Higher Educational Institutions Act, 1996 (Act 555) and Regulations. Applications to register as a PHEI should be submitted to the Department of Higher Education. A Certificate of Registration will then be awarded

4. Programme Accreditation by the Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA)

Stage 1 for Provisional Accreditation and Stage 2 for Full Accreditation.

Tips for successful application for a Malaysia Education License

To obtain this license from the Registrar General, you will need to meet the following criteria under Section 84:

  • Your premise must meet all the prescribed health and safety standards.
  • The name of the institution must not be improper or undesirable.
  • The area you intend to open your institution must not have too many other existing schools or centres nearby.
  • Your institution must not use it for “a purpose detrimental to the interests of Malaysia, the public or the pupils.”
  • Your registration form must not contain any false or misleading information.
  • The person you appoint as the chairman of the board of governors or head of the teachers in your school must be suitable for the position.

Registration of Employees in Educational Institutions

Section 88 of the Malaysia Education Act also requires that any employee of an educational institution must register with the Ministry of Education. This includes any person who is acting as a governor of the school.

If your educational institution hires any employee who is not properly licensed or registered with the Ministry of Education, you could be held liable. The penalty for this offence could be a penalty of RM30,000 and/or up to 2 years in prison. Therefore, it is important to ensure that your employees have the necessary legal requirements needed to work at your educational institution. When dealing with employment agencies to source your candidates, be sure to conduct a thorough background check.

Why Education License Is Important

1. Obtaining an Education License is important if our centre or school wishes to issue recognised certificates.

The Star published an article in 2018 urging netizens to be wary of private centres, especially as some of these may be illegal centres that are operating without a license. The Ministry of Education (MOE) Malaysia has made it very clear that it will not endorse certificates which come from unlicensed centres. This is serious because it is a requirement by the Foreign Affairs Ministry that any student who intends to further their studies abroad at higher education learning institutions must endorse certificates to do so.

2. It is a parent/guardian’s responsibility to ensure schools are licensed

Malaysian children who are at least 6 years old on the 1st of January will need to attend primary school. This is a mandatory requirement and compulsory by Section 29A(2) of the law.

Section 29A(2) of the act states in very clear terms that “a parent who contravenes subsection (2) shall be guilty of an offence and shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding RM5,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6-months or both.”

Therefore, not only do parents in Malaysia have to ensure that their children are enrolled in school according to the law, but they have to ensure that the schools are not illegally run schools too. Foreign investors who intend to start a business in this sector must take note of these requirements.

The Ministry of Education urges these institutions and anyone intending to establish such an institution as a business in Malaysia to register and comply with the guidelines. If the private school (or schools involved in the private education sector) intends to run an international curriculum like the IGCSE for example, they must register themselves as an international school.

Our thoughts

Obtaining recognition for your academic certificates from foreign affairs requires actively pursuing accreditation and licensure for your institution. Operating a tuition centre teaching school subjects requires registration from the Ministry of Education. However, niche markets like digital animation or coding languages might not necessitate a license.

If you are just starting after setting up your Malaysia company, getting a full-fledged accredited license might be a stretch too. You should call us to discuss what is the best way to move forward in structuring your business.


Come down to our office or connect with us virtually to discuss your company incorporation, and other corporate services today.


How long does it take to secure all business licenses?2024-03-15T17:21:38+08:00

This is dependent on several factors, but most businesses have managed to secure their licenses within 14 working days.

Do you need a business license to incorporate?2024-03-15T17:21:51+08:00

No, but business licenses are needed to operate legally.

Are Business Licenses from Malaysia also valid in other Countries?2024-03-15T17:22:07+08:00

Business licenses issued in Malaysia only pertain to businesses which have been set up there. Therefore, such licenses are not valid in countries other than Malaysia.

What is a DP10 Work Permit?2024-03-15T17:22:23+08:00

In Malaysia, a DP10 work permit is also known as a Professional Work Permit Visa. It is valid for two years but can have its validity extended by up to 10 years. It is meant for foreigners deemed to be skilled workers.

What are the Primary purposes of SSM?2024-03-15T17:22:34+08:00

SSM was established in 2002. It is a statutory body that functions under the auspices of the Malaysian government. Its primary purposes are those of assisting in company incorporation and business registration as well as providing information about companies and businesses in Malaysia to the public.

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  1. Profile Picture For Sho - Intern
    Jason August 2, 2022 at 9:45 pm - Reply

    Hi, may I know how do we apply for MOE license for language centre? Anyone provides this service?

  2. Profile Picture For Sho - Intern
    Arnold July 19, 2022 at 11:01 pm - Reply

    Hi, my religious organisation runs a community centre for students who are being homeschooled. We have facilitators and caretakers looking after the students. Though the program we are using is recognised by MQA, does the community centre need to be registered as an education centre?

    • Profile Picture For Sho - Intern
      Paul Hype Page July 21, 2022 at 11:23 am

      Hello Arnold,

      If your community centre is “a school or any other place where, in carrying on the work of an organisation or institution, persons are habitually taught, whether in one or more classes, and includes a kindergarten (childcare centres) and a distance education centre” then it needs to be registered as an education centre.

      Hope this helps!

  3. Profile Picture For Sho - Intern
    josephine June 2, 2022 at 10:18 pm - Reply

    Hi, if i would like to teach computer lesson to the kids and will provide certificate of completion for the kids, may i know what kind of license required?

    • Profile Picture For Sho - Intern
      Paul Hype Page June 7, 2022 at 4:13 pm

      Hi Josephine,

      Sounds like a great idea! You will require a license only if you’d like to be a government-registered training provider.

      If you’re looking to incorporate your company, feel free to reach out to us on WhatsApp and we can advise accordingly based on the information you’ve shared about your business idea.


  4. Profile Picture For Sho - Intern
    nantini May 12, 2022 at 12:30 pm - Reply

    Hi, I am thinking of opening a mind enrichment center that provides short courses for young adults who are unsure of their career paths. What kind of licensing is required for this type of center?

    • Profile Picture For Sho - Intern
      Paul Hype Page May 17, 2022 at 9:58 am

      Hi Nantini,

      For such business activity, typically no industry-specific licenses are required. If you’re looking to start your business, do reach out to us and we can advise accordingly once we have more information.

      You can schedule a time via our contact form here:

      Alternatively, you can leave us a message on WhatsApp, and we will respond soonest:


  5. Profile Picture For Sho - Intern
    Tey Hao Han March 18, 2022 at 8:41 am - Reply

    HI, its a very helpful website. However, Can I know, if I want to start up a financial intelligence education centre for adults and children, should I get a license?

    kind regards.

    • Profile Picture For Sho - Intern
      Paul Hype Page April 12, 2022 at 10:01 am

      Hi Hao Han,

      As a general rule of thumb, education centres that do not follow the MOM syallabus will not require a license. However, I would advise you to share a little bit more about your business venture so our sales consultants can better advise accordingly.

      You can reach out to us on WhatsApp:

      Thank you!

  6. Profile Picture For Sho - Intern
    Sue January 29, 2022 at 7:53 am - Reply

    Hi. Would I need a licence to run a recreational activity centre for kids on my land? Example:
    1. Teaching how to weave ketupat
    2. Teaching how to bake cookies
    3. Teaching how to build a treehouse
    4. Teaching how to create own comics.

    • Profile Picture For Sho - Intern
      Paul Hype Page February 4, 2022 at 1:35 pm

      Hi Sue,

      You will not need any licenses for those activities. If you wish to incorporate a company, feel free to reach out to us on WhatsApp:

      Thank you!

      Best Regards,

  7. Profile Picture For Sho - Intern
    Puganesh January 3, 2022 at 9:53 pm - Reply

    Hi, I want to open After School Centres for Primary school children. The Centre will provide tuition for primary school. Please guide me on the licenses and permit to apply.

    Thank you in advance

    • Profile Picture For Sho - Intern
      Paul Hype Page January 4, 2022 at 10:09 am

      Hi Puganesh,

      First, you will need to incorporate your company before you apply the license. For tuition centres teaching subjects in school, you will need to register with the Ministry of Education.

      If you are looking to incorporate a company, feel free to reach out to us and we can assist with your application.

      Best Regards,

  8. Profile Picture For Sho - Intern
    Jenny December 27, 2021 at 11:32 am - Reply

    How do I apply tuition center license?

    • Profile Picture For Sho - Intern
      Paul Hype Page December 28, 2021 at 9:14 am

      Hi Jenny,

      First, you will need to incorporate your company before you apply the license. For tuition centres teaching subjects in school, you will need to register with the Ministry of Education.

      If you are looking to incorporate a company, feel free to reach out to us and we can assist with your application.

      Best Regards,

  9. Profile Picture For Sho - Intern
    Ng October 5, 2021 at 4:55 pm - Reply

    How do I apply license for Special Needs Education Centre in Penang.

    • Profile Picture For Sho - Intern
      Paul Hype Page October 7, 2021 at 11:33 am

      Hi Ng,

      You may apply for an education license via the MalaysiaBiz Portal. If you need assistance in incorporating your company, do reach out to us via WhatsApp here:

      Best Regards,

  10. Profile Picture For Sho - Intern
    Alagu September 18, 2021 at 2:45 am - Reply

    Hai, i woild like to start an online learning institution. For kids and adults. What kind of license do ineed? Please advice

    • Profile Picture For Sho - Intern
      Paul Hype Page September 21, 2021 at 1:00 pm

      Hi Alagu,

      Would you be able to share more information on the online learning institution? You can drop us a message on WhatsApp and share more about your business venture so we can advise you better!

      Best Regards,

  11. Profile Picture For Sho - Intern
    Yvonne September 9, 2021 at 3:48 pm - Reply

    Hi, may I know do I need to apply education license for online learning platform? Thank you.

    • Profile Picture For Sho - Intern
      Paul Hype Page September 13, 2021 at 10:38 am

      Hi Yvonne,

      Would you be able to share more information on the online learning platform?
      You can drop us a message on WhatsApp and share more about your business venture so we can advise you better!

  12. Profile Picture For Sho - Intern
    Eva June 27, 2021 at 8:27 pm - Reply

    Hi, can i ask do we need license to run an academy on giving lectures for ACCA courses (for some of the papers)

  13. Profile Picture For Sho - Intern
    Charlotte June 9, 2021 at 9:08 am - Reply

    Hi, I am planning to open up an institution providing softskill courses e.g, financial planning, coding and etc, do I need to apply for any license from the authority?

  14. Profile Picture For Sho - Intern
    casey April 9, 2021 at 11:29 am - Reply

    Hi, what if the design school is running as a proper college or institution capacity, will be issuing certificates, getting endorsed by the MOE and so forth? What kind of business license i need ? and how to go about?

  15. Profile Picture For Sho - Intern
    Andrew April 3, 2021 at 8:41 am - Reply

    To operate strictly online adults English classes for TEFL with no certificates issued do I need a license from
    Ministry of Education?
    Can I refer to these as online English “classes, lessons or training?”

  16. Profile Picture For Sho - Intern
    Ivy March 20, 2021 at 8:35 am - Reply

    I plan to run beauty course in my shop, I do service and course. I have SSM but other than that,
    What license do I need to apply?

  17. Profile Picture For Sho - Intern
    Lisa Yap March 19, 2021 at 11:23 am - Reply

    Hi, I am planning to bring in a Franchise doing STEM and coding lessons (enrichment centre). In this case, do I need any Education License?

  18. Profile Picture For Sho - Intern
    Wee Liang March 18, 2021 at 3:58 pm - Reply

    Hi, May i know if i want to operate an enrichment centre such as Montessori Class, do i need to apply education license? thank you.

  19. Profile Picture For Sho - Intern
    GOH SU FUNG March 14, 2021 at 11:12 pm - Reply

    May I know it is possible that after a year plus of operating a kindergarten, but still didn’t see any SSM license or the rest of the license like the fire department and others (didn’t even see any fire extinguisher around the kindergarten).
    Worried that the kindergarten is not registered under MOE? Must a private kindergarten registered under MOE?

    Thank you

  20. Profile Picture For Sho - Intern
    jazz February 26, 2021 at 7:55 pm - Reply

    Hi, how about online learning platform ? do i need to apply tuition license? TQ


  21. Profile Picture For Sho - Intern
    SUBHASHINI A/P KUMAR subhashinikumar February 7, 2021 at 10:10 pm - Reply

    hye im doing tuition in my house for long years im planning to do ssm for my own tuition .. is that possible to do if i have teaching permit

  22. Profile Picture For Sho - Intern
    Gerard George January 30, 2021 at 2:19 pm - Reply

    Hi, could you share the URL for the licensing application forms to open and start a private language teaching institute in Malaysia? Thanks very much.

  23. Profile Picture For Sho - Intern
    Hui Ling Wong January 24, 2021 at 12:48 pm - Reply

    Hi, do I need an education license to teach music and public speaking for students from challenging background with minimal fee (non-profit)? Or what kind of license/registration with the government do I need to run such program?

  24. Profile Picture For Sho - Intern
    Key December 20, 2020 at 4:50 pm - Reply

    May I know what’s the business can a learning centre license do?

  25. Profile Picture For Sho - Intern
    Noor December 14, 2020 at 1:19 pm - Reply

    Hi, what if I intend to register for a religious institute? Im not sure of the registration procedure.

    • Profile Picture For Sho - Intern
      Tiwi December 17, 2020 at 10:03 am

      Hi Noor,

      If you are planning to conduct religious classes in Primary and Secondary schools, a international/private school license and registration is required. However if you are hosting interest group, no license is required.

      It is not necessary for a church to register with the government on the basis of Article 11(3) of the Federal Constitution.

      Feel free to contact Paul Hype Page if you need more information!

  26. Profile Picture For Sho - Intern
    Vivien December 9, 2020 at 10:54 am - Reply

    Hi, I am interested in starting a training center for security systems courses. Is a private higher education license compulsory? Is it true that there’s freeze (moratorium) on obtaining this license at the moment?

    • Profile Picture For Sho - Intern
      Tiwi December 17, 2020 at 9:58 am

      Hi Vivien, to start a training center for security system in Malaysia, first you need to set up your company.
      Please be informed that if your school is not teaching and issuing anything international or academic certificate, you don’t need to apply for education license.
      Training center for security system is not included as an academic school so no education license needed.

      To open this school also can 100% foreign ownership. We can assist you with a private limited company incorporation to initiate your business.

      Please contact us via Paul Hype Page to discuss further.
      Thank you for your question.
      Warm regards

  27. Profile Picture For Sho - Intern
    casey December 1, 2020 at 4:11 pm - Reply

    Hi, what about if i am looking at starting an design school?

    • Profile Picture For Sho - Intern
      Tiwi December 4, 2020 at 2:34 pm

      Hi Casey, to start a design school in Malaysia, first you need to set up your company.
      Please be informed that if your school is not teaching and issuing anything international or academic certificate, you don’t need to apply for education license.
      Design school is not included as an academic school so no education license needed.

      To open this school also can 100% foreign ownership. We can assist you with a private limited company incorporation to initiate your business.

      Please contact us via Paul Hype Page to discuss further.

  28. Profile Picture For Sho - Intern
    Keyhan November 29, 2020 at 6:24 pm - Reply

    Hi Paul,

    What kind of license does an online tuition centre require?

    • Profile Picture For Sho - Intern
      Tiwi December 1, 2020 at 9:01 am

      Hi Keyhan,
      first, you will need to incorporate your company before you apply the license. The most common license required for a foreign owned company is wholesale retail trade wrt license this wrt license is applicable to any foreign participation i e. To get the license you will need to apply with Malaysian bank and securities commission. Nursery department of social welfare kindergarten tuition centers schools college ministry department of education or other relevant agencies if required by the registrar of business.

      Please contact us via Paul Hype Page to discuss further.


  29. Profile Picture For Sho - Intern
    Kavitha June 23, 2020 at 4:01 pm - Reply

    Hi there,
    I would like to involve my foreign partner in my business. What are the possibilities to do so? Or how can I register him as one of the investor of my tuition centre.
    Highly appreciated if you could advise me.
    Thanking in advance.

    • Profile Picture For Sho - Intern
      Tiwi July 6, 2020 at 11:40 am

      Hi Kavitha
      You are able to include your foreign partner as a director of a Sdn Bhd. This is possible as long as you are residing in Malaysia.
      To facilitate further discussion, please contact us at Paul Hype Page.
      Thank you for your comment.
      Warm regards

  30. Profile Picture For Sho - Intern
    Norris June 19, 2020 at 3:59 pm - Reply

    What’s the procedure to start an online tution ?

    • Profile Picture For Sho - Intern
      Tiwi July 6, 2020 at 10:57 am

      Hi Norris
      In order to start a tuition business in Malaysia, you will first need to register your business and get the relevant educational license.
      These will depend on the nature of your business. Paul Hype Page is able to advise you on the best course of action, and assist in your incorporation needs.
      To facilitate further discussion, please contact us at Paul Hype Page.
      Thank you for your comment.

      Warm regards

  31. Profile Picture For Sho - Intern
    Yen June 19, 2020 at 5:41 am - Reply

    Does a home tutor need a business license or education license?
    Can home tutor operate in a place other than own house?

    • Profile Picture For Sho - Intern
      Tiwi July 6, 2020 at 10:56 am

      Hi Yen

      An education license is a type of business license. If you are registering a business in Malaysia as a tutor, you will need an education license.
      The place of operations is subject to approval by the relevant authorities.
      To facilitate further discussion, please contact us at Paul Hype Page.

  32. Profile Picture For Sho - Intern
    Chow June 9, 2020 at 6:38 pm - Reply

    Can a Tuition Centre operate as a Childcare Centre at the same time? In such case, do the company need to apply 2 difference licenses?

    • Profile Picture For Sho - Intern
      Tiwi June 18, 2020 at 4:30 pm

      Hi Emily

      It is possible for a tuition centre to operate as a childcare centre at the same time. For the specific licenses required, it will depend on the size and location of the centre. To better answer your questions, get in touch with us.

      Thank you for your comment.
      Warm regards

  33. Profile Picture For Sho - Intern
    Sicomeyl February 27, 2020 at 3:57 pm - Reply

    Hi Paul
    Just a query, how do we apply the licence if we were to open an institute for automotive.. An institute to learn skills.

    • Profile Picture For Sho - Intern
      Tiwiyah Kumaran March 19, 2020 at 10:25 am

      Hello Sicomeyl,

      As the institute will be teaching automotive skills, you will require a permit which may be received by registering with the Road Transport Department of Malaysia. It is also likely that you will require a Transport License for car rental and vehicle leasing purposes.

      Thank you for your question.

  34. Profile Picture For Sho - Intern
    Poornima February 27, 2020 at 7:52 am - Reply

    What’s the steps involved in to get academy license?

    • Profile Picture For Sho - Intern
      Tiwiyah Kumaran March 20, 2020 at 9:40 am

      Hello Poornima,

      In Malaysia, the license you seek is known as an Education License, not an Academy License. To receive such a license, it is necessary to register the educational institution to be started with the Registrar General of the Ministry of Education.
      For further information on the Education License or any of Malaysia’s other business licenses, please contact us.

      Thank you for your question.

  35. Profile Picture For Sho - Intern
    Goh February 26, 2020 at 8:01 pm - Reply

    Can a company apply to register as an educational institution in Malaysia?

    • Profile Picture For Sho - Intern
      Tiwiyah Kumaran March 20, 2020 at 9:40 am

      Hello Goh,

      It is indeed possible as long as an Education License is obtained. To receive such a license, it is necessary to register the educational institution to be started with the Registrar General of the Ministry of Education.
      For further information on the Education License or any of Malaysia’s other business licenses, please contact us.

      Thank you for your question.

  36. Profile Picture For Sho - Intern
    Jocelyn February 24, 2020 at 3:31 pm - Reply

    Hi, may I know what is the process to run a kindergarten? Thanks

    • Profile Picture For Sho - Intern
      Tiwiyah Kumaran March 20, 2020 at 9:41 am

      Hello Jocelyn,

      In order to run a kindergarten or any other educational institute in Malaysia, you will require an Education License which is to be obtained from the Registrar General of the Ministry of Education.
      For further information on the Education License or any of Malaysia’s other business licenses, please contact us.

      Thank you for your question.

  37. Profile Picture For Sho - Intern
    Austin January 21, 2020 at 3:02 am - Reply

    How do I register a school that offers Private Diploma by an overseas partner

    • Profile Picture For Sho - Intern
      Tiwiyah Kumaran January 23, 2020 at 10:18 am

      Hello Austin,

      Before you may register a school in Malaysia, you will first need to obtain an Education License. After you have done so, you may proceed with the usual incorporation procedure.

      For further information on business licenses in Malaysia, please contact us at any time.

      Thank you for your question.

  38. Profile Picture For Sho - Intern
    Kin December 26, 2019 at 5:40 pm - Reply

    Hi, what’s the step involved in setting up an enrichment centre?

    • Profile Picture For Sho - Intern
      Tiwiyah Kumaran January 6, 2020 at 2:19 pm

      Hello Kin,

      If by “enrichment center” you are referring to a tuition center, according to the current laws of Malaysia, anyone who plans to set up a tuition center there must first obtain a Tuition Centre License. Tuition centres must also not be run in a similar manner to that of a school; otherwise, an Education License will be required.

      For further information about business licenses in Malaysia, please contact us at any time.

      Thank you for your question.

  39. Profile Picture For Sho - Intern
    LIM EE-SVUN December 20, 2019 at 3:19 pm - Reply

    Hi, May i know what is the requirement of setting up a tuition center ya

    • Profile Picture For Sho - Intern
      Tiwiyah Kumaran December 23, 2019 at 6:00 pm

      Hello Ee-Svun,

      According to the current laws of Malaysia, anyone who plans to set up a tuition center there must first obtain a Tuition Centre License. Tuition centres must also not be run in a similar manner to that of a school; otherwise, an Education License will be required.

      For further information about business licenses in Malaysia, please contact us at any time.

      Thank you for your question.

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