Corporate Compliance in Malaysia: Statutory Declaration

6 min read|Last Updated: October 7, 2024|

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While requesting the appointed Company Secretary to certify a true copy (CTC) of some business-related documents, getting a statutory declaration is also one of the common practices amongst business owners who set up their business entities in Malaysia.

Statutory Declaration in Malaysia

However, as per the Statutory Declaration Act 1960, a statutory declaration is a formal statement by an individual as a supporting document need by the regulation. Hence, it will sign in the presence of a solicitor, commissioner of oath or a notary public.

Such statements are generally used to satisfy legal requirements as well as regulations when no physical evidence is available. Hence, the statutory declaration is required to be truthful and accurate.

Malaysia Corporate Secretary Ramu

When is a Statutory Declaration Used in Malaysia?

In Malaysia, a statutory declaration is used to finalise a Company financial statement before it is lodged to the Companies Commission of Malaysia (SSM). Other situations when statutory declarations are used include:

  • The director of a Company changed his birth name by legally adopting their name and using it on personal documents such as passports and driving licenses. Also, such documents must have a statutory declaration to support their validity.
  • Executors of a will
  • Declaration of nationality or marital status when the document is missing or unable to retrieve
  • Director of a Company to declare solvency when opting for voluntary liquidation

The Significance of a Statutory Declaration

Despite, as stated above, the law which governs the statutory declaration in Malaysia is the Statutory Declaration Act 1960. Eventually, the Act requires those documents with Statutory Declaration to be sworn or declared its truth and accuracy, with no elements of misrepresentation.

Besides, Under Section 2 of the Statutory Declaration Act 1960, those who may take and receive such declaration from a person voluntarily making such declaration is the Notary Public or Commissioner of Oath. Furthermore, the person will be set a fee for engaging in such a service.

Under Section 3 of the Statutory Declaration Act 1960, those who make false declarations will be penalised if caught.

Statutory Declaration in Other Countries

Also, foreign directors who wish to sign off their Malaysian registered Company financial statement and are not in Malaysia on the signing date, are required to have the statutory declaration section signed by the Notary Public in the country he is residing at that time.

No. Country Name Laws Laws
1. Austria Notariatsordnung
2. Australia Statutory Declarations Act 1959 Statutory Declarations Act 1959
3. Bahamas Notaries Public Act (Chapter 45 of Statute Law of Bahamas) The Notaries Public Act & Chapter 45 of Statute Law of Bahamas 1987
4. Bahrain Legislative Decree No. 19 of the Year 2001 concerning Promulgating the Civil Code
5. Belize Oaths Act (Chapter 130) (Chapter 45 of Statute Law of Bahamas)
6. Brunei Oaths & Affirmations Act (Cap. 3)
7. Canada Canada Evidence Act (Chap C-5) Evidence Act
8. Columbia Decree 960 of 1970
9. Demark The Executive order for the Notary Public (Notarialbekendtgørelsen)
Law nr 515 of 6/6-2007 and nr 1555 (18/12-2007)
Document AA004050 under the Department of Justice of Denmark
10. France Article 1317 of the Civil Procedures Code, ordonnance de 2 November 1945
11. Ghana Statutory Declaration Act No. 389 of 1971
12. Hong Kong Oaths and Declarations Ordinance (Cap 11) Oaths and Declarations Ordinance Chapter 11 of Laws of Hong Kong
13. India Notaries Act 1952 India Notary Act 1952
14. Indonesia Private Limited Regulation Act 1995
15. Ireland Statutory Declarations Act 1938
16. Italy The Notarial Law (Law No. 89 of 16 February 1913)
17. Japan Notary Law 1908 Law of Notary Public Japan 1908
18. Malaysia Statutory Declarations Act 1960 Statutory Declarations Act 1960
19. Netherlands Eedswet 1971 Eedswet 1971
20. New Zealand Oaths and Declarations Act 1957 Oaths and Declarations Act 1957


21. Norway 17 Norway LOV-002-04-26-12 Law on Notary Public (lov om Notarius Publicus)
22. Pakistan Oath Act 1873
23. Singapore Oaths and Declarations Act (Cap 211) Oaths and Declarations Act 2000
24. South Korea Notary Public Act 1962
25. Spanish Law of the Profession of Notary (Law of 28 May 1862)
26. Taiwan Notarization Law
27. Thailand Thai Notarial Services Attorneys (no notary public)
28. United Kingdom Statutory Declarations Act 1835 Statutory Declarations Act 1835
29. Alabama The Code of Alabama 1975
30. Florida Chapter 117, Florida Statutes
31. State of California California Government Code Chapter 3, 8200 et seq
32. Washington Revised Code of Washington, RCW 42.44
33. West Virginia Uniform Notary Act (Chapter 29C)

How to Word the Statutory Declaration?

Afterwards, the commissioner of oath or notary public will furnish a printed letter to the declarer to fill. Also, this will be titled the statutory declaration form.

However, there are cases where the declarer needs to write the declaration themselves in front of the commissioner of oath or notary public.

Certainly, in such a situation, the statutory declaration must contain the words below. After all, this provides a sample of the statutory declaration in Malaysia. There is no specific statutory declaration form in Malaysia, but the template to write a statutory declaration is below.

Sample of Statutory Declaration Form in Malaysia

I, (name)(NRIC/ID No.:) of (residential address) do solemnly and sincerely declare that …..

And I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the declaration to be true and by the Statutory Declaration Act, 1960.

Affirmed by: (Name)

At: (Place)

On: (Date and time)

Before me,

Commissioner of Oaths

Is it Possible to Make a Statutory Declaration in Malaysia Amid the Covid-19 situation?

It is famous that we are not living in the same situation as before the pandemic outbreak. Even though the strict standard operation (SOP) is to reduce the risk of spreading the virus, it does not make things easier for those who urgently need to engage some legal advisory and services.

Moreover, a statutory declaration in Malaysia needs the certification of certain Company/business documents to lodge with the Companies Commission of Malaysia (SSM). The fact that such an occurrence will need both parties, the client and the appointed notary public or commissioner of oath to be physically present to conduct such an act raises concern.

As a result to mitigate such a situation, one of the options available for the statutory declaration in Malaysia need to execute is by conducting a video conference call. However, as COVID-19 slowly needs to become as an endemic, the firms have to start an appointment basis for clients who wish to get their statutory declaration.

Malaysia Corporate Secretary Ramu


Come down to our office or connect with us virtually for corporate secretarial services today.


What happens if I lie on Statutory Declaration form?2024-03-14T12:03:51+08:00

The declarant will be fine and punishable by up to five years in prison if found guilty to declare false information in a Statutory Declaration.

Where can I get my Statutory Declaration done in Malaysia?2024-03-14T12:04:07+08:00

It can be done by an appointed notary public, commissioner of oath or magistrate.

Who can witness the Statutory Declaration done in Malaysia?2024-03-14T12:04:34+08:00

According to Statutory Declaration Act 1960, only an authorised person by the law such as notary public, commissioner of oath or magistrate can be the witness of a statutory declaration done.

What is Statutory Declaration in Malaysia?2024-03-14T12:04:53+08:00

The purpose of statutory declaration is to obtain confirmation of written instruments or allegations or proof of debt or the fact of execution of deed which was otherwise unavailable but backed by penal sanctions.

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